Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Up, up in the next war - Libya a comment

" man "because Obama said to Hillary and the rest of the messed up world, "we are so rich and so democratic and Iraq and Afghanistan it works so well with the advancing of our Western capitalist democracy, I'm bored, after Libya because we can play well,"
civil war in Libya , rebel against regimes that Kalashnikov against aircraft, Gadaffi against the West. What is going on at once with the peoples of the Arab world, to anywhere they desire, corruption and tight hierarchies, against religious and state repression against old faces and old traditions. Sounds to go there very good and reasonable if there were it not for the predominantly gray-haired apes with must exploit the whole, annexing Libya would prefer. The course does not say so directly, first democratic ticket discussions about follow-fly zones, arms embargoes and economic sanctions, all well kept in the diplomatic jargon, so that the peoples may continue to believe in democratic structures, while hinter vorgehaltener Hand doch nur ums Eine geht. Geld (Hier in Form von Öl) und Einfluss. Während der dumme kleine Araber mit seinem rostigen Gewehr in der Wüste hockt und an das Gute der Revolution glaubt, zerreden westliche Winkeladvokaten die Revolutionen solange und beeinflussen sie mit ihrem Scheiß Geld und ihrem Einfluss bis nur noch ein undurchsichtiger Brei aus westlichen "Kultur- und Wertevorstellungen" und den tatsächlichen Vorstellungen der eigentlichen Revolutionäre übrig bleibt. Revolution JA! Unter US-Flagge oder NATO Flagge?! Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das libysche Volk sich das wünscht und 10 Jahre oder mehr Amis im Land haben möchte, die "die Ordnung und Sicherheit" should uphold. Fortunately, there's still Russia, Russia is anyway always disagreed with the United States, even from traditional commitment out Russia like no-fly zone and has veto power in NATO, in China is similar and also the land of the setting plastic sun has veto power. And Germany, well, who takes us seriously means more than having a foreign minister of Guido Westerwelle and a chancellor whose facial expressions to a more depressed Parkinson's patients remembered as a modern, motivated, realistic solutions offered by the Chancellor. Each of the people rebelled against injustices through appropriate means and is one of these agents in revolutions against dictatorships For me, the armed struggle, deserve my respect.
shame that politicians provide the world with their interests, that no revolution will lead to the result that the people on the street, in the desert, and wherever they clench their fist, have taken up the cause. You will get replaced again a stamp, but as history teaches us: "After the revolution before the Revolution."
Only in Germany did not: too lazy and too fat for revolutions ....


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