Friday, December 24, 2010

Monster Energy Backpack Book Bag

And now something for you ...

... in such a study laptop case fits so also a diary, because the whole test dates will be scheduled so somewhere, right? And not only in the case studies, but each of us actually has such a calendar, with which it is organized.

Deshalb gibt es diese Woche als Clubbeitrag - passend zum kommenden Jahresbeginn - eine Nähanleitung, um solch einen Billigterminplaner aus dem Discounter zum ganz persönlichen Schmuckstück zu machen.

Die ausführliche Nähanleitung steht für alle Mitglieder bei Quilter's Garden zum Download bereit.

Pokemon Battle Revolution Indir

Psst ..

...eigentlich dürfte ich es noch nicht verraten, denn es ist ja noch nicht mal Bescherung. Aber da meine Tochter gerade schon auf ihrer Fahrt zu mir unterwegs ist, wird sie ganz bestimmt nicht mehr diesen Blog lesen, und ich kann Euch das Weihnachtsgeschenk zeigen:

Amy Butler Messenger Bag, genäht aus IKEA Stoff, für den Studienlaptop.
Das Schnittmuster für die Tasche ist total klasse, hat eine Zillion Innentaschen für Stifte, Geldbeutel, Unterlagen usw. Außen gibt es zwei großzügige Seitentaschen für die Maus und das Netzkabel. Ein geniales, sehr praktisches Stück (und ich hätte es eigentlich gerne selbst)

Die Tasche hat als Inlett ein weiches 0,5 cm dickes Polyestervlies zum Aufbügeln, damit der Laptop schön gepolstert und gut geschützt ist. Außerdem hat sie einen "falschen Boden", das ist ein Stück dicker Karton, The soft fleece is sewn in a loose in the inner bag, you will be removed for washing, and serving that the laptop is not damaged in the bag during installation.

37 Weeks Chunky Mucus Discharge

Is it catching ...

... when a person watches too long for sewing? Is there such a thing as a virus skip? Or how else explain the enthusiasm of Martin, who now all of his children with the self-sewn scarves "ensnared".

Here's the proof: a quality team - Bernina and Martin.

and so does the sound for his daughter (who totally turns me on with the pretty red mushroom on the matter and I prefer themselves) would

Friday, December 17, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Rent Bowling Shoes

Derrick Box 9

Vö DERRICK January 2011
episodes: 121-135
vintages: 1984 / 85




planned **** Contest!
start: 21 January
Price: Derrick Box 9

Courtesy of:

Thank you! (Box 9 in advance)

Support this blog and order my amazon partner store!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Best Qoutes For Picnik

The countdown is running

... Only seven more days until Christmas - and I'd like to have something for small ne ... have. It should be something personal, and go fast and most cost not even know what. I won because it is: the little handbag darling.

In each case there are things that would be home to most like it: the mobile phone, lipstick and mascara in duet, some tempo tissues, the collected business cards from the last quilt show, the cream candies to snack in between . Which may even now as pure, and are then combined with the beautiful gem under the tree.
who have two to remaining 25 cm x 15 cm left :-) who can name the handbag favorite in a half hour his own. There
The detailed step-by-step instructions are at Quilter's Garden to download .

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Build Electronic Goose Call

SZ-Magazin 1996: Horst Tappert interview

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Savage 2000 Driver Xp

Chief Inspector Stephan Derrick

His outfit:

beige trench coat


Clock: Rolex Day Date

aviator (from 1980)

His weapons:

Walther PPK 7.65

(später) 38 Special Smith & Wesson

Seine Autos (Dienstwagen):

3er Serie BMW E-46
später 7er Serie BMW

Seine Frauen:

RENATE KONRAD (Psychologin) Johanna von Koczian

ARIANE Margot Medicus

ANDREA played by Alwy Becker (murder in the TEA 91) gives him a "basket".

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Difference Hemmeoirds Rectal Prolapse

New Homepage

Some have probably already noticed, the layout of the blog has changed. Moreover, the domain redirected and now points to the converging homepage. Incidentally, there's again some new freeware programs to find me. The homepage can be found directly under .

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Justin Bieber Go To School

iOS4 Update for iPhone 3G not quite

Soo, recently, the long-awaited iOS4 (formerly iPhoneOS 4) appeared. Of course I immediately tried to install on the iPhone (iPhone 3G 8GB), which this time was not as easy as with the other updates. First time I had
the previous version that is version 3.1.3 on it yet, so the first iPhone, the notifications turned off in Settings, and the flight mode geschlatet so that the process is not interrupted by phone calls or messages, then a backup manually created (click on links in iTunes 9.2 iPhone with the right mouse button and then select "Save"). This process took quite a while, then I then updated to version 3.1.3 (Check for Updates "in iTunes, which worked without problems. All settings and documents were created, like the icon arrangement still exists.
then I have the iPhone restarted for the settings again can be loaded "unbiased". Now even the update was available on iOS4, so this downloaded through iTunes (the servers were a bit overloaded Therefore, the process has (though having taken 32MBit Internet connection) about 20 minutes. This time the update was different from usual, first drawn up iTunes again backup the iPhone, installed then iOS4 set, return the iPhone to factory settings (it also had to re-enable (separate words again, then connect again, and enter the PIN).
started now iTunes so that the data from the backup to restore, this process was also about 20 minutes and stopped somewhere around 50% with an error message 0xE8000022, the provider data that iTunes wanted to install then could not be installed. The message was something like " unknown error, connection to the iPhone disconnected " (Although this was still connected). I then tried two more times the backup manually einzuspielen because although some of my app's had come to the iPhone, but almost no data. Nevertheless, I managed after much tinkering with everything to bring back to life again and get all the data again. It went like this:

- On the PC into the Windows Explorer been
- In the menu Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> protected operating system files (out hooks) hide hidden files, .. View (checked)
- Close iTunes and disconnect iPhone
- In C: \\ Users \\ [USERNAME] \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ backup after latest search folder (the folder has an alpha-numeric name).
- this folder to another location moved (with me to c: \\ Temp)
- Folder Options in Windows Explorer again returned to previous values \u200b\u200b
- iTunes launched and re-connected iPhone.
- right click on iPhone and "restore from backup" selected.

iTunes now trying not to use the backup that it had directly created before the update to iOS4, but the one I had created manually before I was switched to iPhone OS 3.1.3. This worked well glücklichwerweise now (almost to the end of that. So until 90%). The data provider could sort themselves out then too. The data were all back. Then I disconnected the iPhone and restart (hard reset, ie power and keep the same home as long as compressed until it was over, then press through a long time to reactivate the power button). After the boot process then I have noticed some changes very quickly, very park table now the centralized mail receipt, Geotagged images and the folder must be created (see photo). What seems to be working properly, the display of characters of SMS, is
should be part of the eigendlich iOS4 under 3G. I too miss the digital zoom and video recording (if you take a look at the update to the innovations of iOS4 reads then stands there, behind those last two points mentioned here ** This refers to the functions not only for 3G and 3G / 4, I guess just an embarrassing typos on the part of Apple). I also missed the game center is said to have mentioned that according to various forums or in the GM version (or development version) with the same revision number. Anyway, this once so the Apple Keynote praised feature will be filed later probably by "Appdate" as also "iBooks" appeared on the same day in the Appstore. All in all, I am quite happy with iOS4, even if the update was because of all crashes rather nerfig. The only problem: Too bad that one must give up wallpaper, and multitasking on the 3G, with 3G and 4, however I can manage them. The only way out is unfortunately is a jailbreak, which you can then activate these features. The jailbreak should be allowed but for now, especially since the 0.9.5 Beta 5 was Redsnow b5-3 has not been thoroughly tested and according to forums for the GM was written and not the final firmware. Conclusion: iOS4 is a really great extension, but you should unbending a manual update in addition to the converging Backup from iTunes make to prevent problems (the transfer of the previously Einkauefe is useful!). And, most important: Please do not schedule time you called in the can. Have fun. With me now everything is back up and looks like this:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cat And Pink Mucus From The Nose

Easy Tool: Time Safe Diary III

Soo, after a long time now the third version of my diary program finished.

As before, the tool is freeware. It offers several new features over the previous version. Among other things, you can now embed images and smilies in the text, language entries records, photos and video capture. Also minimizes the tool now in the tray.

The operation is deliberately kept simple, but it is wise to click on the help button in the program, only to receive some important information's for easy work .. :-) If possible, unzip the archive directly to "c: \\ Profiles \\".

The tool "safe time diary III v1.0" is available at:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Spacewalker Mv42 V1.3 Bios

Rautenbach is a matter of principle or is he an opportunist?

Why not challenge the Greens or the Freedom Party if the election law, even in LA, possibly unconstitutional? If the LBL
comes in and then not challenging or anything against this franchise is doing its part then you can think to do so.
It needs politicians who act on principle and not opportunists.

Monday, May 31, 2010

What Does Cervical Lordosis Mean?

Brynych - a key experience

In DERRICK: FAMILY IN THE FIRE is in the apartment of the protagonist with a giant board keys. In one scene, Fritz Wepper discovered a key that is wrong, it looks lange an und rückt ihn schließlich gerade. Hat das irgendeine Bedeutung oder ist das nur ...?

Brynych: In meiner Wohnung in Prag gibt es auch so eine riesige Wand mit Schlüsseln. Von allen Hotels und Pensionen, in denen ich etwas schönes erlebt habe, habe ich den Schlüssel geklaut. Wenn ich mal nicht so brav bin nimmt mich meine Frau bei der Hand, führt mich zu der Wand, zeigt auf einen Schlüssel, und sagt: "Soll ich fragen, was in dieser Pension passiert ist?" Dann richtet sie den Schlüssel gerade.
Ich muß dazu sagen, daß mir der Schlüssel eines Luxushotels in Paris oft nicht mehr viel sagt, aber so ein billiger Schlüssel von any board - it was fantastic!

Episode: 15 Alarm at the district 12
135th Family in the fire

193rd Relationship terminated