Sunday, February 28, 2010

Can I Take Painkillers Before A Leg Wax

Ranking:-70th-, 80th-, 90th-

The 70th:

Madeira (7) '1975

death on the railway track (5) '1975

Schubach return (55) '1979

School (52) '1978

forest (1) '1974

fear (18) '1976

Foundation Festival (3) '1974

Paddenberg (9) '1975

Kaffee mit Beate (46) ´1978

Nur Aufregung für Rohn (6) ´1975

The 80th:

Drei atemlose Tage (112) ´1984

A strange day in the country (182) '1989

The trip to Lindau (93) '1982

The man from Kiel (97) '1982

( 5)
The Body in the Isar (100) '1983

mysteries of a night (101) '1983

Lohmann inner peace (105) '1983

The Night of the Jaguar (153) '1987

On a Monday morning (136) '1986

Naujocks sad end (137) '1986

The 90th:

Mr. Kordes needs a million (279) '1998

Anna Lakowski (278) '1998

Isolde dead friends (206) '1991

The silent murder (211 ) '1992

The Defenders (263) '1996

Pornocchio (276) '1997

The trip to Munich (207) '1992

The murder of a mistake was (274) '1997

The fixed menu of Mr. Borgelt (210) '1992

A Streetcar Named (235) '1994

Capillaries Exercise Broken

strange rights behavior in Windows 7

Habe kürzlich ein recht seltsames Verhalten von Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit bemerkt, was den Zugriff auf Ordner angeht.

Folgendes Scenario: Ein Programm, welches ursprünglich für Windows 2000 und Windows XP 32-Bit geschrieben wurde unter Windows 7 Pro x64 ausführen, in diesem Fall eFrontier Poser 6 und über The Save File dialog a new subfolder in My Documents "Creating (right-click in the window and" Create Folder "choose - not the" Create Folder "button!).

The folder is created normally, but a small yellow lock will hold the folder icon.

In this folder you can now save documents as usual out of P6. If you try to go to find this folder in Windows Explorer does not - it is simply not there, normally one would expect that there is an access problem for managing rights and if the rights in the security settings of the parent folder (with inheritance) to the current user ( ! admin rights) transfers - should be not only see the folder but also on access to - nil!

only workaround that I could find so far was that in the "My Documents" folder and go in the Explorer create a folder such as "dummy", then go to P6 and in the Save File dialog the folder with the lock, with the right mouse button, click ( yes, there appears select the copy still on), "copy" and the folder in the "dummy" Orner. Now this works without problems.

Unfortunately I can not see any Erklährung for the strange behavior, including a review of the hard drive, searches using the search tool for the folder and contained documents and brought the system to restart nothing - on Windows 7, it looks like as if the folder is not just there - almost as if it were stored in an alternate NTFS stream - The program, however the folder is already visible, and also the documents can be opened.

Back to the dummy folder: Once you have copied the folder into the alleged dummy folder, it can also be seen in Windows Explorer and normal use. In P6 we should delete the source folder was causing the problem, otherwise you müllt visible at some point full of folders that are not seen easily.

behave now that I have previously noted in 3 different programs that I had previously thought because the time a Windows Update would come out, that fixes the problem. In my opinion, there is a problem with the rights of older programs from one old function to use in the Save File dialog, and the Windows 7 "forgotten" apparently has the phenomenon also occurs, strangely enough, only if, instead of "folder" button in the Save File dialog with the context menu works. Does anyone

'nen constructive proposal as is correct?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dogs With White Spot On Nose

Tool: DynSong v0.1 (Random Music Generator)

Have begun to write music for a generator that automatically generates and plays songs. Currently, he is still very, very spartan and not particularly make much, it is more a test of programming techniques for me to even understand how the whole would be built. Who's want to try anyway, it will find

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Medicinal Ingredients In Orajel

LARP for Avatar fans


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Veet Strips On Pubic Area

My Song "tests"

Have time (some time ago - that is, 2007) started to tinker some songs, most of which never became really finished. One the other hand already, but the inclusion of some controls, I no longer have the raw data, I can not record whether or not new - maybe even want to hear someone torotzdem. Here is the finished song is related to: and here the Experimete
was used like a tracker tool Free Samples, a Korg keyboard and a normal pipe :-) Have fun with it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thetrainningofo Freestreaming

conference with Pastor Victor Ehana

On Saturday the 06th February 19:00 Clock and on Sunday the 07th February at 10:00 Clock in our community premises used Ehana Pastor Victor from Nigeria.
All are cordially invited to come this weekend to hear good word of God and experience His power!
Pastor Ehana is our guest of honor and was frequently in our community. His ministry is marked by strong preaching and anointing.
So komm und sieh und schmecke, wie gut der Herr ist!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mechanic Liscence Renewal Ontario

Tool: Media Alarm v1.0 (Freeware)

Have times in early 2007 an alarm clock for Windows XP program, and have just discovered he is related to the net still. In can download it. He can play an MP3 song to wake up time, and possibly start a new task. The direct link to download is here:

way: He also runs under Windows 7. Degrees once tried.