Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Selects CSU! Guttenberg you get your mug of beer! Help Islam is coming! From Westerwelle is just no tsunami

Political Ash Wednesday is coming to an end and provides the CSU to Horst Seehofer with a political theme suitable for damn attention. He wants to change Bavarian state constitution and establish more "integration law". Integration must be composed "Promoting and demanding" from Seehofer said he would like to submit these amendments to the Bavarian people to vote. This creates explosive political n the bleak political landscape and could be happy right-wing voters. For example, the migrants with a "commitment to the German Language" drop.
The left press, such as the taz report rather scornful of beer blessings and verbal attacks the CSU followers, they do not realize that this is a part of ordinary people, far from the radical Kameradschaften and NPD the Islam and his acting out perceives as a threat and to distance wants. The charm of the Bavarian Horst Seehofer in the red-red or the Berlin Senate of "comrades" funded taz certainly not well received is understandable. Star of the Assembly, although not present, Guttenberg, they want him back, the noble "floor in the ass" Minister.
the opposition in their speeches to political Ash Wednesday mockery and criticism of the retired Verteidigungsminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg ausgeschüttet.
"Der Islam gehöre nicht zu Deutschland", hatte Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (ebenfalls CSU) kurz nach der Übergabe seiner Ernennungsurkunde durch Bundespräsident Christian Wulff gesagt. Damit hat er Verwirrung in der schwarz-gelben Koalition ausgelöst, die CSU stellt sich hinter ihn.
Ich habe den Eindruck in weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung wird der Islam als feindseelig empfunden, als Bedrohung eigener Werte (Wie fragwürdig diese CocaCola Werte auch sein mögen), dies muss sich früher oder später auch in der Politik niederschlagen. Ein Rechtsruck aus Angst vor Moscheen und Minaretten, vor Burkas and people in the pedestrian zone in Munich spread their prayer rugs facing Mecca and to thank Allah for the blessed (western) region of Bavaria.

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George falls Guantanamo remains!

Barack Obama , the 44th President of USA promised is Guantanamo be closed within a year. He signed a decree (order) that the U.S. commit itself to close the prison camp to 22.Januar.2010. The remaining detainees should either be made in the U.S. or should dismiss the criminal in their home or to a third country. The jubilation among human rights organizations, civil rights activists, democrats, the "liberal" world opinion and even some Republicans was great. In the meantime
were able to Cuba an almost 800 prisoners, there are currently presidential term, according to official figures, nor 172, only 70 less than before Obama. "At the closure of the camp has been the President remains" as a senior official of the American government, but not before 2012, coincidentally the year of the presidential election. Until then, have to settle for the wrong prisoner with pseudo confessions as the free choice of a lawyer, of course at their own expense. The bearings are also people with the attacks of September 11 Logo are received by the lack of notoriety, it Inhaftierungsgründe and questionable interrogation techniques such as the waterboarding , which is suggested to the interrogator by constant tilt of water is a drowning, or shock in the face.
Guantanamo, occupied from Cuban view of Americans place on earth, the extended in 1934 for an indefinite period lease is not recognized by Cuba and it shall recover the land has become a symbol of American democracy enforcement possibilities, Barack Obama articulated in the very sensitive issue , and now approves further Millitärprozesse be sentenced to Terrorverdächjtige. What reasons ihn dazu bewegt haben, welche Trümphe die Befürworter aus Opposition und Wirtschaft ausgespielt haben bleibt wohl verborgen. Fakt ist, dass die Demokratie aufzwingende Nation USA mit all ihren Werten die sie Anderen aufs Auge drücken auf diesem kubanischen Flecken Erde brechen und in den Dreck ziehen.
Abu Ghraib in Irak , Bagram in Afghanistan , Guantánamo auf Cuba - diese Namen stehen heute noch weltweit für den Verlust von Moral und Menschlichkeit im Kampf gegen den Terror. Abu Ghraib wurde nach schwersten Menschenrechtsverletzungen von Wärtern an Gefangenen geschlossen. Für Bagram steht das nicht zur Debatte, dort werden nach wie vor angebliche oder tatsächliche Terrorverdächtige detained and interrogated. For Guantanamo this is still, Congress rejected a request Obama's $ 50 million to close the camp, Liz Cheney the vice-president's daughter will remain a "Keep America Safe" campaign in which it is human rights as a dispensable luxury when it comes to be allowed to enjoy their own safety.

Gooooood morning Guaaaaaantaaaanaaamoo


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Sturmwehr - infiltration instead of integration

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Text des Videos:
"Eine Kriminalitätsstatistik aus Berlin: Von rund 3.500 jugendlichen Tatverdächtigen waren letztes Jahr rund 2.000 nicht deutscher Herkunft. Bei den Intensivtätern - das ist man ab zehn schweren Straftaten - liegt der Anteil von Türken und Arabern mit oder ohne deutschen Pass in einigen Bezirken bei 80%. Wenn also Polizei, Sozialarbeiter und Jugendrichter warnen: Ausländische Jugendbanden rüsten auf, schlagen immer hemmungsloser und brutaler zu - auch gezielt auf Deutsche -, dann gehört das ins Bild. Und sei es, um zu zeigen, wie weit der Weg noch ist."

"Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Europe is at a crossroads. It is about the rescue of the Euro-Christian West. Can we prevent the decline of Europe or not? That is the question of our time "

A large number of Arabs and Turks has no productive purpose other than for the fruit and vegetable trade -. Well, we already knew, but the media devoured the truth once again as the vulture's body. thus remained for Thilo Sarrazin only cropped areas of responsibility.

And you remember still open to the Swiss minaret ban? There was not only Poland but also Holland imposed in need! to democratic Swiss the spirit prison. In Europe, a muzzle made faster than any counter-argument.

I'm ready! I will fight! I do not let that distract my country into the abyss!

"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!

foreign gangs to harass the daily German citizens. Deluded idiots who do not understand that. Foreign victims of violence, any sense of reality is lost. In our own country to become second class citizens!

I'm ready! I will fight! I leave it's not that they are driving my country into the abyss!

"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!

"Ladies and gentlemen, I quote the mayor of Istanbul and the subsequent Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, who said in 1998 the following, I quote:" Democracy is just the train, on which we ascend until we are there. "he said," the mosques our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the domes our Helmets and the believers our soldiers. "End of quote to learn."

Instead, the German language in order to break into the professional life walking, they take their macho culture through our German streets. Uncle Sam lets us down, Döner bands may want to here and exercise. But come what may, we will hold the position!

I'm ready, I will fight, I do not leave it that they are driving my country into the abyss!

"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. your time I can maintain my German feet kissing!

"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!

"And we must establish: Yes, there is a veritable problem with the fundamental Islamism that we see in Europe today Yes, there is also an imported problem when it comes to women's rights to human rights is in our society, and yes.. We want the Christian character of our Western Europe have learned to receive. We have a responsibility to our children and grandchildren, that we in Europe and our traditions and preserve our culture and ensure and avert the threat of Islamisation too. "