Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brad Pitt Y Brad Patton

Documentary" class "2007

2007 is already clear for a while, maybe the film already knows everybody, I'm only just now discovered him by chance. He has really captivated me and moved me to write briefly about it. It is an Estonian film that shows the development of two madmen. A boy named "Joosep" is being bullied, a sadistic torturing ways. The teachers noticed it too late and his father comes to him with "You have to defend yourself, you are a man, a man must fight back," etc. etc.. Only "Kasper", a classmate reflected on his side and defended Joosep. The two are now tortured and all escalated in a key scene at the beach towards the end. The next day make the 2 to the school. For the last time
really a thrilling authentic Film, der aus der Perspektive des späteren Täters darstellt, wie es dazu kommen kann , ganz ohne Counterstrike.


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