Sunday, February 27, 2011

White Spots Throatdominican Republic

Preview March 2011

Monday, 28.2.2011 14:05-15:00

Tuesday, 03/01/2011

Wednesday, 03/02/2011

Thursday, 03.03.2011 14:05-15:00

Friday, 04.03.2011 14:05-15:00

Tuesday, 03/08/2011

Wednesday, 03/09/2011
14:05-15:00: 28. Pecko

Thursday, 10.3.2011 14:05-15:00

Monday, 14.3.2011 14:05-15:00

Tuesday, 15.3.2011 14:05-15:00

Mercredi, 16.03.2011

Jeudi, 17.03.2011

Vendredi, 18.03.2011

Lundi, 21.03.2011

Tuesday, 22.3.2011 14:05-15:00

Wednesday, 23/03/2011

Thursday, 03.24.2011 14:05-15:00

Friday, 03.25.2011 14:05-15:00

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Put Rockstars On Silverado

full shit

If the Internet connection is cut, you feel a bit lost before. The world keeps turning. Stones are thrown and hands will be served and I can not bring me. Well next week we continue, I think Wednesday. Until then I'll go do a little work and spend many hours with my dog \u200b\u200bon the city wall and smoke Beep .... er denne cigarettes to

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Best Bike Around 100pounds


This versatile bag makes itself useful everywhere, not just for shoes to travel, or knitting - even children turn objects or blocks it holds together nice and neat.
Not more than 30 cm material and an hour for it are necessary and useful enough of these bags can not have anyway. The instructions are is available at the Quilter's Garden

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sofa Color For Dark Wood Floor

Internet away

've probably missed out to pay the bills, the one time or another;) why has the good old Telekom me cut the line. New posts until next week, so again, right nice time until then.

scene cleaner

Breastfeeding To A Man-images

memory of Helmut Ringelmann

Helmut Ringelmann
* 1926 München
2011 (ebenda)

Kondolenzbuch (eingerichtet von: Freundeskreis der Kommissar u. a.)


Sa., 26.2.2011 (Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag !!!)

So., 27.2.2011 (Nacht von Samstag auf Sonntag !!!)

Mi., 23.2.2011
0h20-1h20: DER ALTE Ganz für alone '1991-
1:20 2:20: 28: Sister Hilde (130) '1985

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Long To Get A Wedding Album

Happy Berber or Bebal or Basti

Punkerbasti is today 22 years
, the celebrated rigorously
politically incorrect na clear
is today not gonna be just rumgeeiert
no today is in flower gereiert

He came from the East
where the satellites
rust with a big smile, he came here he has
always drunk
with many women taken
We like it all very

He sweeps in the night, the street
and pees out the window
and he may sometimes exaggerate
anyone can Berber suffer

many scars you have remained
of parties and concerts
and you will have some to
get because you you've still never behaved

This is us now no matter, yes that is now a shit
main thing is we have fun
a box Sternburg
and NEN Zwani * beep *

So let us raise our beer
Basti now 3x the life
should raise our glasses high the beer
Berber we congratulate you!!

All the best!

Ver Online Los Hombres De Paco

The Visitor - No Skinhead

Can Whole Wheat Pasta Give My Dog Diarrhea

somehow frightening or comrades of this buck fight

I'm up there in the navigation bar, but this right rock band index, then all I know right rocker, who all want what anner pan. For additions and notes I am grateful. What I wanted is hniaus. If someone, let's call him Joseph times when Josef is now looking to download that is said right rock bands in google, he is there, the following: "blogger germania index shed" or "blog Amplifier" knows or what I do. Since I am a blogger and these bands for documentation and identification purposes are mentioned on my side, the guys seem irrtürmerlicherweise desöfteren to talk to land. The scary thing is how often such searches appear in my stats. I doubt that Joseph and Hans and Manfred taking the time to research specific to their world view, they want to download and foreigners bring loppen stage, do not train their social-cognitive level.
No Nazi rock her Spacken

the way, you already know "Bock Kampf ( and here) the Nazi pseudo gangster rapper Turks blend or whatever he believes to be. He raps for his fallen comrades at the front, well, if the had known the leader, in what his ideology, anything can be pressed in, the rapper also drive up to mischief Since 2006, four publications including Demo, a publication from the year 2007 seems to be fully indexed. 2011 appears now his new single word of honor, he prollt so that his songs on Itunes, etc are available reports it in the portals and ensures dwindling sales figures, he calls in his texts on violence against minorities.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winnipeg Work Coat Manufacturers

election results Hamburg NPD 0.9%

According to initial projections NPD is the to 0.9% in the state election in Hamburg, which are 30 106 votes. Provided that in the districts of Hamburg / Harburg and Hamburg / center, each 1.6% the best values \u200b\u200bobtained in another constituency, the NPD erhiel only 0.2% of the vote. The NPD is so 7th largest party, they are "outside" the Pirate Party that 2.6% of the vote (70 930) is much better than the apple section Heyder-Pastörs Group. Winner of the election is clearly the SPD with frontman Olaf Scholz, reaching almost 50% of the total votes and is thus either alone or together with the GAL , the 11% was recorded votes govern in the Hanseatic city. The CDU suffered with about 20% a resounding slap. So much for Stuttgart 21 or NPP lifetime extension. Since se have again the NPDler specialists screwed it with their noise and posturing, but scary that they have ever done nationwide to compete in almost all the constituencies. Each 100 voters made up his cross at the NPD. As long as it remains in these proportions are all pleased that Antifa has its enemies and win constantly and neo-Nazis in this small number no one can be dangerous. Not the nice Greek restaurant owner, nor the Mobile retreating Arabs from the lower-or upper town. You will all remain.

results after the determination of the provisional group strength, the following distribution of seats:
SPD: 62 (48.3%),
CDU: 28 (21.9%),
GREEN / GAL: 14 (11.2 %), FDP
: 9 (6.6%),
THE LEFT: 8 (6.4%).

Thus, the SPD has an absolute majority, despite the fact that five parties, the 5% hurdle managed ago

Brad Pitt Y Brad Patton

Documentary" class "2007

2007 is already clear for a while, maybe the film already knows everybody, I'm only just now discovered him by chance. He has really captivated me and moved me to write briefly about it. It is an Estonian film that shows the development of two madmen. A boy named "Joosep" is being bullied, a sadistic torturing ways. The teachers noticed it too late and his father comes to him with "You have to defend yourself, you are a man, a man must fight back," etc. etc.. Only "Kasper", a classmate reflected on his side and defended Joosep. The two are now tortured and all escalated in a key scene at the beach towards the end. The next day make the 2 to the school. For the last time
really a thrilling authentic Film, der aus der Perspektive des späteren Täters darstellt, wie es dazu kommen kann , ganz ohne Counterstrike.

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Nazi Dresden Free! This time already ....

In Dresden war Gestern wesentlich mehr los, als am 13.2.2011, wo der von der JLO organisierte Trauermarsch beinahe ungestört stattfinden konnte (s. hier ). Diesmal waren ca. 20.000 Gegendemonstranten in Dresden. Vom Politiker zum Linksautonomen über DGB zum Mittelstand war alles vertreten. Auch unser Grünen Opa aus Berlin, Christian Ströbele war mit seinem Fahrrad in Dresden unterwegs. 4.500 Beamte im Einsatz, Wasserwerfer, Barrikaden, one, as the taz cinematic arrest reported by a task force of police. Interestingly, however, the use of so-called Pepper Balls which are thin-skinned plastic balls that burst on the body of the potential interferer and pepper dust release, the person is thus made of action. The following are
video on hearing shots from 3.30 min, at 3:39 min you can see the gun briefly.

The weapons of the state institutions are increasingly sophisticated and technologically adept. Actions such as the time of the RAF are no longer possible today. Because of their activities, the so-called Rasterfahndung auf den Weg gebracht, der Anfang vom Ende. Heute ist kameraüberwachung Alltag und wir nehmen sie meistens schon gar nicht mehr wahr, erst recht nicht als Bedrohung, dies ist eine gefährliche Entwicklung in Richtung Sicherheits- und Kontrollwahn. In Dresden ist ein wichtiges Zeichen gesetzt, die JLO schreibt auf ihrer Weltnetzseite von "ägyptischen Zuständen in Dresden", angeblich seien 6.000 Kameraden an der "Einreise" zu ihrem Versammlungsort gehindert worden, die Polizei habe allerdings linke Gruppen in die Südstadt "eskortiert", gleichzeitig haben diese linken Gruppen aber Barrikaden aufgetürm und Bullen Pflastersteine anne Birne gechmißen, dabei sind sie ja eskortiert worden. Natürlich sei it occurred even very disciplined ...

really should have found 6,000 (or even 5,000) mates the way to Dresden, the Dresden police blockade behavior to perform to. With 4,500 state henchmen could have stand to lose, so it seemed wiser not to the rights can only fully move in together. The violent nature of the blocks with fire in 2010 had the trash cans and throw stones anyway done. The Nazis managed to demonstrate it then Jagged however, in Dresden, Plauen, for example, then later tried to right their march to Leipzig to install. 500 of them arrived there also, the police, however, ließ'sie not in the city. Towards evening, then, there have been be as 19:00, then made the one-off, frustrated the others on the way home. No, a special task force in Hollywood manner stormed an office of the Alliance "Dresden Nazi Free" (site is offline) and seized media. The Bündiss the accused of a crime to call because the block of VAT. notified and approved demonstrations a criminal offense met. It is good that prevented the deployment, although this time not all parties have acted reasonably, be a matter of purpose sometimes justifies the means.

to pay

I Am Constanly Getting Cold Symptoms

Pure hate blog on Wordpress

Instead his hosting fees, Nazikackblog PurerHass has switched to WordPress, damn Kackbratzen wind from provider to provider, they will be deleted here, log in again, an eternal cycle that is difficult to is breaking through. Excites me most on the whole, that are also represented me as a non-political and quite audible bands there like "The Enkelz" or "Kärbholz" . Such blogs and stupid Nazi Bratz, listening to this band, provide the discredit of the groups and give the PC activists new cannon fodder for their conspiracy theories. Well as it may, Word Press reports the site as often as possible. Tips to log out of Nazi music is available here:

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sayings About Appreciating Your Home

BOM Round 2 is ready for download

The blue wavy shades of Fassett's "Woodear" from the middle section have been joined in emerald green neighbors. As
see your colors? Since I'm really curious ...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kidney Infection Snowmobiling

Love is in the air ...

... everywhere I look around. lalalala ...

Ok, Valentistag or not: There are more than an opportunity to give someone a love letter. at Quilter's Garden And you get this in "Sewn".