Selects CSU! Guttenberg you get your mug of beer! Help Islam is coming! From Westerwelle is just no tsunami
Political Ash Wednesday is coming to an end and provides the CSU to Horst Seehofer with a political theme suitable for damn attention. He wants to change Bavarian state constitution and establish more "integration law". Integration must be composed "Promoting and demanding" from Seehofer said he would like to submit these amendments to the Bavarian people to vote. This creates explosive political n the bleak political landscape and could be happy right-wing voters. For example, the migrants with a "commitment to the German Language" drop.
The left press, such as the taz report rather scornful of beer blessings and verbal attacks the CSU followers, they do not realize that this is a part of ordinary people, far from the radical Kameradschaften and NPD the Islam and his acting out perceives as a threat and to distance wants. The charm of the Bavarian Horst Seehofer in the red-red or the Berlin Senate of "comrades" funded taz certainly not well received is understandable. Star of the Assembly, although not present, Guttenberg, they want him back, the noble "floor in the ass" Minister.
the opposition in their speeches to political Ash Wednesday mockery and criticism of the retired Verteidigungsminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg ausgeschüttet.
"Der Islam gehöre nicht zu Deutschland", hatte Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (ebenfalls CSU) kurz nach der Übergabe seiner Ernennungsurkunde durch Bundespräsident Christian Wulff gesagt. Damit hat er Verwirrung in der schwarz-gelben Koalition ausgelöst, die CSU stellt sich hinter ihn.
Ich habe den Eindruck in weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung wird der Islam als feindseelig empfunden, als Bedrohung eigener Werte (Wie fragwürdig diese CocaCola Werte auch sein mögen), dies muss sich früher oder später auch in der Politik niederschlagen. Ein Rechtsruck aus Angst vor Moscheen und Minaretten, vor Burkas and people in the pedestrian zone in Munich spread their prayer rugs facing Mecca and to thank Allah for the blessed (western) region of Bavaria.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Hard Core Rock Love Song
George falls Guantanamo remains!
Barack Obama , the 44th President of USA promised is Guantanamo be closed within a year. He signed a decree (order) that the U.S. commit itself to close the prison camp to 22.Januar.2010. The remaining detainees should either be made in the U.S. or should dismiss the criminal in their home or to a third country. The jubilation among human rights organizations, civil rights activists, democrats, the "liberal" world opinion and even some Republicans was great. In the meantime
were able to Cuba an almost 800 prisoners, there are currently presidential term, according to official figures, nor 172, only 70 less than before Obama. "At the closure of the camp has been the President remains" as a senior official of the American government, but not before 2012, coincidentally the year of the presidential election. Until then, have to settle for the wrong prisoner with pseudo confessions as the free choice of a lawyer, of course at their own expense. The bearings are also people with the attacks of September 11 Logo are received by the lack of notoriety, it Inhaftierungsgründe and questionable interrogation techniques such as the waterboarding , which is suggested to the interrogator by constant tilt of water is a drowning, or shock in the face.
Guantanamo, occupied from Cuban view of Americans place on earth, the extended in 1934 for an indefinite period lease is not recognized by Cuba and it shall recover the land has become a symbol of American democracy enforcement possibilities, Barack Obama articulated in the very sensitive issue , and now approves further Millitärprozesse be sentenced to Terrorverdächjtige. What reasons ihn dazu bewegt haben, welche Trümphe die Befürworter aus Opposition und Wirtschaft ausgespielt haben bleibt wohl verborgen. Fakt ist, dass die Demokratie aufzwingende Nation USA mit all ihren Werten die sie Anderen aufs Auge drücken auf diesem kubanischen Flecken Erde brechen und in den Dreck ziehen.
Abu Ghraib in Irak , Bagram in Afghanistan , Guantánamo auf Cuba - diese Namen stehen heute noch weltweit für den Verlust von Moral und Menschlichkeit im Kampf gegen den Terror. Abu Ghraib wurde nach schwersten Menschenrechtsverletzungen von Wärtern an Gefangenen geschlossen. Für Bagram steht das nicht zur Debatte, dort werden nach wie vor angebliche oder tatsächliche Terrorverdächtige detained and interrogated. For Guantanamo this is still, Congress rejected a request Obama's $ 50 million to close the camp, Liz Cheney the vice-president's daughter will remain a "Keep America Safe" campaign in which it is human rights as a dispensable luxury when it comes to be allowed to enjoy their own safety.
Barack Obama , the 44th President of USA promised is Guantanamo be closed within a year. He signed a decree (order) that the U.S. commit itself to close the prison camp to 22.Januar.2010. The remaining detainees should either be made in the U.S. or should dismiss the criminal in their home or to a third country. The jubilation among human rights organizations, civil rights activists, democrats, the "liberal" world opinion and even some Republicans was great. In the meantime
were able to Cuba an almost 800 prisoners, there are currently presidential term, according to official figures, nor 172, only 70 less than before Obama. "At the closure of the camp has been the President remains" as a senior official of the American government, but not before 2012, coincidentally the year of the presidential election. Until then, have to settle for the wrong prisoner with pseudo confessions as the free choice of a lawyer, of course at their own expense. The bearings are also people with the attacks of September 11 Logo are received by the lack of notoriety, it Inhaftierungsgründe and questionable interrogation techniques such as the waterboarding , which is suggested to the interrogator by constant tilt of water is a drowning, or shock in the face.
Guantanamo, occupied from Cuban view of Americans place on earth, the extended in 1934 for an indefinite period lease is not recognized by Cuba and it shall recover the land has become a symbol of American democracy enforcement possibilities, Barack Obama articulated in the very sensitive issue , and now approves further Millitärprozesse be sentenced to Terrorverdächjtige. What reasons ihn dazu bewegt haben, welche Trümphe die Befürworter aus Opposition und Wirtschaft ausgespielt haben bleibt wohl verborgen. Fakt ist, dass die Demokratie aufzwingende Nation USA mit all ihren Werten die sie Anderen aufs Auge drücken auf diesem kubanischen Flecken Erde brechen und in den Dreck ziehen.
Abu Ghraib in Irak , Bagram in Afghanistan , Guantánamo auf Cuba - diese Namen stehen heute noch weltweit für den Verlust von Moral und Menschlichkeit im Kampf gegen den Terror. Abu Ghraib wurde nach schwersten Menschenrechtsverletzungen von Wärtern an Gefangenen geschlossen. Für Bagram steht das nicht zur Debatte, dort werden nach wie vor angebliche oder tatsächliche Terrorverdächtige detained and interrogated. For Guantanamo this is still, Congress rejected a request Obama's $ 50 million to close the camp, Liz Cheney the vice-president's daughter will remain a "Keep America Safe" campaign in which it is human rights as a dispensable luxury when it comes to be allowed to enjoy their own safety.
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Gooooood morning Guaaaaaantaaaanaaamoo | | |
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Waterboarding |
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Sturmwehr - infiltration instead of integration
Auf welcher Seite stehst Du?
Text des Videos:
"Eine Kriminalitätsstatistik aus Berlin: Von rund 3.500 jugendlichen Tatverdächtigen waren letztes Jahr rund 2.000 nicht deutscher Herkunft. Bei den Intensivtätern - das ist man ab zehn schweren Straftaten - liegt der Anteil von Türken und Arabern mit oder ohne deutschen Pass in einigen Bezirken bei 80%. Wenn also Polizei, Sozialarbeiter und Jugendrichter warnen: Ausländische Jugendbanden rüsten auf, schlagen immer hemmungsloser und brutaler zu - auch gezielt auf Deutsche -, dann gehört das ins Bild. Und sei es, um zu zeigen, wie weit der Weg noch ist."
"Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Europe is at a crossroads. It is about the rescue of the Euro-Christian West. Can we prevent the decline of Europe or not? That is the question of our time "
A large number of Arabs and Turks has no productive purpose other than for the fruit and vegetable trade -. Well, we already knew, but the media devoured the truth once again as the vulture's body. thus remained for Thilo Sarrazin only cropped areas of responsibility.
And you remember still open to the Swiss minaret ban? There was not only Poland but also Holland imposed in need! to democratic Swiss the spirit prison. In Europe, a muzzle made faster than any counter-argument.
I'm ready! I will fight! I do not let that distract my country into the abyss!
"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!
foreign gangs to harass the daily German citizens. Deluded idiots who do not understand that. Foreign victims of violence, any sense of reality is lost. In our own country to become second class citizens!
I'm ready! I will fight! I leave it's not that they are driving my country into the abyss!
"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!
"Ladies and gentlemen, I quote the mayor of Istanbul and the subsequent Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, who said in 1998 the following, I quote:" Democracy is just the train, on which we ascend until we are there. "he said," the mosques our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the domes our Helmets and the believers our soldiers. "End of quote to learn."
Instead, the German language in order to break into the professional life walking, they take their macho culture through our German streets. Uncle Sam lets us down, Döner bands may want to here and exercise. But come what may, we will hold the position!
I'm ready, I will fight, I do not leave it that they are driving my country into the abyss!
"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. your time I can maintain my German feet kissing!
"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!
"And we must establish: Yes, there is a veritable problem with the fundamental Islamism that we see in Europe today Yes, there is also an imported problem when it comes to women's rights to human rights is in our society, and yes.. We want the Christian character of our Western Europe have learned to receive. We have a responsibility to our children and grandchildren, that we in Europe and our traditions and preserve our culture and ensure and avert the threat of Islamisation too. "
Auf welcher Seite stehst Du?
Text des Videos:
"Eine Kriminalitätsstatistik aus Berlin: Von rund 3.500 jugendlichen Tatverdächtigen waren letztes Jahr rund 2.000 nicht deutscher Herkunft. Bei den Intensivtätern - das ist man ab zehn schweren Straftaten - liegt der Anteil von Türken und Arabern mit oder ohne deutschen Pass in einigen Bezirken bei 80%. Wenn also Polizei, Sozialarbeiter und Jugendrichter warnen: Ausländische Jugendbanden rüsten auf, schlagen immer hemmungsloser und brutaler zu - auch gezielt auf Deutsche -, dann gehört das ins Bild. Und sei es, um zu zeigen, wie weit der Weg noch ist."
"Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Europe is at a crossroads. It is about the rescue of the Euro-Christian West. Can we prevent the decline of Europe or not? That is the question of our time "
A large number of Arabs and Turks has no productive purpose other than for the fruit and vegetable trade -. Well, we already knew, but the media devoured the truth once again as the vulture's body. thus remained for Thilo Sarrazin only cropped areas of responsibility.
And you remember still open to the Swiss minaret ban? There was not only Poland but also Holland imposed in need! to democratic Swiss the spirit prison. In Europe, a muzzle made faster than any counter-argument.
I'm ready! I will fight! I do not let that distract my country into the abyss!
"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!
foreign gangs to harass the daily German citizens. Deluded idiots who do not understand that. Foreign victims of violence, any sense of reality is lost. In our own country to become second class citizens!
I'm ready! I will fight! I leave it's not that they are driving my country into the abyss!
"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!
"Ladies and gentlemen, I quote the mayor of Istanbul and the subsequent Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, who said in 1998 the following, I quote:" Democracy is just the train, on which we ascend until we are there. "he said," the mosques our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the domes our Helmets and the believers our soldiers. "End of quote to learn."
Instead, the German language in order to break into the professional life walking, they take their macho culture through our German streets. Uncle Sam lets us down, Döner bands may want to here and exercise. But come what may, we will hold the position!
I'm ready, I will fight, I do not leave it that they are driving my country into the abyss!
"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. your time I can maintain my German feet kissing!
"infiltration instead of integration" is written on their banners. You want to overpopulate, 2000 mosques, we have here already. The Company shall we German, we have to. I can even maintain your feet kiss my German!
"And we must establish: Yes, there is a veritable problem with the fundamental Islamism that we see in Europe today Yes, there is also an imported problem when it comes to women's rights to human rights is in our society, and yes.. We want the Christian character of our Western Europe have learned to receive. We have a responsibility to our children and grandchildren, that we in Europe and our traditions and preserve our culture and ensure and avert the threat of Islamisation too. "
Latex Input Stack Size
Up, up in the next war - Libya a comment
" man "because Obama said to Hillary and the rest of the messed up world, "we are so rich and so democratic and Iraq and Afghanistan it works so well with the advancing of our Western capitalist democracy, I'm bored, after Libya because we can play well,"
civil war in Libya , rebel against regimes that Kalashnikov against aircraft, Gadaffi against the West. What is going on at once with the peoples of the Arab world, to anywhere they desire, corruption and tight hierarchies, against religious and state repression against old faces and old traditions. Sounds to go there very good and reasonable if there were it not for the predominantly gray-haired apes with must exploit the whole, annexing Libya would prefer. The course does not say so directly, first democratic ticket discussions about follow-fly zones, arms embargoes and economic sanctions, all well kept in the diplomatic jargon, so that the peoples may continue to believe in democratic structures, while hinter vorgehaltener Hand doch nur ums Eine geht. Geld (Hier in Form von Öl) und Einfluss. Während der dumme kleine Araber mit seinem rostigen Gewehr in der Wüste hockt und an das Gute der Revolution glaubt, zerreden westliche Winkeladvokaten die Revolutionen solange und beeinflussen sie mit ihrem Scheiß Geld und ihrem Einfluss bis nur noch ein undurchsichtiger Brei aus westlichen "Kultur- und Wertevorstellungen" und den tatsächlichen Vorstellungen der eigentlichen Revolutionäre übrig bleibt. Revolution JA! Unter US-Flagge oder NATO Flagge?! Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das libysche Volk sich das wünscht und 10 Jahre oder mehr Amis im Land haben möchte, die "die Ordnung und Sicherheit" should uphold. Fortunately, there's still Russia, Russia is anyway always disagreed with the United States, even from traditional commitment out Russia like no-fly zone and has veto power in NATO, in China is similar and also the land of the setting plastic sun has veto power. And Germany, well, who takes us seriously means more than having a foreign minister of Guido Westerwelle and a chancellor whose facial expressions to a more depressed Parkinson's patients remembered as a modern, motivated, realistic solutions offered by the Chancellor. Each of the people rebelled against injustices through appropriate means and is one of these agents in revolutions against dictatorships For me, the armed struggle, deserve my respect.
shame that politicians provide the world with their interests, that no revolution will lead to the result that the people on the street, in the desert, and wherever they clench their fist, have taken up the cause. You will get replaced again a stamp, but as history teaches us: "After the revolution before the Revolution."
Only in Germany did not: too lazy and too fat for revolutions ....
" man "because Obama said to Hillary and the rest of the messed up world, "we are so rich and so democratic and Iraq and Afghanistan it works so well with the advancing of our Western capitalist democracy, I'm bored, after Libya because we can play well,"
civil war in Libya , rebel against regimes that Kalashnikov against aircraft, Gadaffi against the West. What is going on at once with the peoples of the Arab world, to anywhere they desire, corruption and tight hierarchies, against religious and state repression against old faces and old traditions. Sounds to go there very good and reasonable if there were it not for the predominantly gray-haired apes with must exploit the whole, annexing Libya would prefer. The course does not say so directly, first democratic ticket discussions about follow-fly zones, arms embargoes and economic sanctions, all well kept in the diplomatic jargon, so that the peoples may continue to believe in democratic structures, while hinter vorgehaltener Hand doch nur ums Eine geht. Geld (Hier in Form von Öl) und Einfluss. Während der dumme kleine Araber mit seinem rostigen Gewehr in der Wüste hockt und an das Gute der Revolution glaubt, zerreden westliche Winkeladvokaten die Revolutionen solange und beeinflussen sie mit ihrem Scheiß Geld und ihrem Einfluss bis nur noch ein undurchsichtiger Brei aus westlichen "Kultur- und Wertevorstellungen" und den tatsächlichen Vorstellungen der eigentlichen Revolutionäre übrig bleibt. Revolution JA! Unter US-Flagge oder NATO Flagge?! Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das libysche Volk sich das wünscht und 10 Jahre oder mehr Amis im Land haben möchte, die "die Ordnung und Sicherheit" should uphold. Fortunately, there's still Russia, Russia is anyway always disagreed with the United States, even from traditional commitment out Russia like no-fly zone and has veto power in NATO, in China is similar and also the land of the setting plastic sun has veto power. And Germany, well, who takes us seriously means more than having a foreign minister of Guido Westerwelle and a chancellor whose facial expressions to a more depressed Parkinson's patients remembered as a modern, motivated, realistic solutions offered by the Chancellor. Each of the people rebelled against injustices through appropriate means and is one of these agents in revolutions against dictatorships For me, the armed struggle, deserve my respect.
shame that politicians provide the world with their interests, that no revolution will lead to the result that the people on the street, in the desert, and wherever they clench their fist, have taken up the cause. You will get replaced again a stamp, but as history teaches us: "After the revolution before the Revolution."
Only in Germany did not: too lazy and too fat for revolutions ....
How Long Should A Marine Battery Last Trolling
The Flower and the concrete
is here in this city
much gray
everything is flat here and leveled
modified to concrete
come It hardly sunshine
in the street canyons
and no tree and no flowers
that the sun, contrary suggests
her to move
The people drive like the walls fast gray cars
and contribute equally to the walls gray colors
they are very concerned about cleanliness
have and all have flashes of white collar
Yes, they take great care
empty mind and full stomach
and it seems to have forgotten it
concrete and money can not eat
but the Nature can not drive out completely
matter how many trees it is also
For houses and neon facades
and quite a lot of money
View as concrete sweltering with the heat
as the middle of which the flower blooms
it defies all the odds
us, the world will get
copyright: Scene Cleaners
is here in this city
much gray
everything is flat here and leveled
modified to concrete
come It hardly sunshine
in the street canyons
and no tree and no flowers
that the sun, contrary suggests
her to move
The people drive like the walls fast gray cars
and contribute equally to the walls gray colors
they are very concerned about cleanliness
have and all have flashes of white collar
Yes, they take great care
empty mind and full stomach
and it seems to have forgotten it
concrete and money can not eat
but the Nature can not drive out completely
matter how many trees it is also
For houses and neon facades
and quite a lot of money
View as concrete sweltering with the heat
as the middle of which the flower blooms
it defies all the odds
us, the world will get
copyright: Scene Cleaners
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Why Are Hot Cheetos Harmful
Dropkick Murphys - Going out in style
from the new album " going out in style ", the best that Boston has to offer.
from the new album " going out in style ", the best that Boston has to offer.
Horsepower Gains From Flywheels
Whither away
Are we finally arrived
where we wanted to go?
way too many, too many rivets and rarely plays a small profit
What should we make
think I can not go behind a wall in front of us
and nowhere a ladder
stop all
look stupid, what to do?
how it will now go
we rotate and be comfortable!
The next crossing was not far
where the path, we will see because no one knows
The right path is so well camouflaged
live all scheduled so neat! guess
Are we finally arrived
where we wanted to go?
way too many, too many rivets and rarely plays a small profit
What should we make
think I can not go behind a wall in front of us
and nowhere a ladder
stop all
look stupid, what to do?
how it will now go
we rotate and be comfortable!
The next crossing was not far
where the path, we will see because no one knows
The right path is so well camouflaged
live all scheduled so neat! guess
Arkadiusz Durlejknurów
The Penner
Where you expect only useless animal
only garbage and rats before the eyes
there he slept
... the sun came up many times and always under
who just who he was
Where cold impetuously falls
... no sunlight
hardly a loaf of bread
his name remained was in this distress
him quite right no matter
and all the others also
lonely spirit and completely empty stomach
where he probably belongs
the answer came away
inspired by resignation
his eyes went to
in a frost through early night he took his last Ruh
many weeks later found
under rubbish with rat bites on his face
where you only useless animal
expect there he slept
but what you should imagine also
knew it not his name
copyright: Scene Cleaners
Where you expect only useless animal
only garbage and rats before the eyes
there he slept
... the sun came up many times and always under
who just who he was
Where cold impetuously falls
... no sunlight
hardly a loaf of bread
his name remained was in this distress
him quite right no matter
and all the others also
lonely spirit and completely empty stomach
where he probably belongs
the answer came away
inspired by resignation
his eyes went to
in a frost through early night he took his last Ruh
many weeks later found
under rubbish with rat bites on his face
where you only useless animal
expect there he slept
but what you should imagine also
knew it not his name
copyright: Scene Cleaners
Brazilian Wax Lasts How Long
Satin Sewn Tutu Bottom
10 advantages of a national democratic dictatorship
first One says where all (have) (back) are absolute clarity
second Everyone knows what to do and to have
third Discussions are superfluous
4th Politicians who may suffer no bad eh, there is no longer
5th Individuality is distracting superfluous
6th Full employment
7th Legislation can be formulated simply: "White good, black bad"
8th I dictator You 9th Infantry
Choosing finally will go obsolete and it takes place on Sunday not to decide the nerve up rubbing issue and who has a ripped
10th You do not remember so many names
why people love, your (hook) intersecting in Saxony-Anhalt and Breslau and elsewhere, the NPD - the Volksspacken. So that its axis of the East German brown Dreinazigkeit is reality and these assistants with their "black and white" thinking continue to ensure that the word "foreigner" without the thought "Nazi" can not take by mouth. The battle for the minds, the NPD has been won and their idiot.
first One says where all (have) (back) are absolute clarity
second Everyone knows what to do and to have
third Discussions are superfluous
4th Politicians who may suffer no bad eh, there is no longer
5th Individuality is distracting superfluous
6th Full employment
7th Legislation can be formulated simply: "White good, black bad"
8th I dictator You 9th Infantry
Choosing finally will go obsolete and it takes place on Sunday not to decide the nerve up rubbing issue and who has a ripped
10th You do not remember so many names
why people love, your (hook) intersecting in Saxony-Anhalt and Breslau and elsewhere, the NPD - the Volksspacken. So that its axis of the East German brown Dreinazigkeit is reality and these assistants with their "black and white" thinking continue to ensure that the word "foreigner" without the thought "Nazi" can not take by mouth. The battle for the minds, the NPD has been won and their idiot.
Annual Day Function Speech In School
security and prosperity of deportation, and the state?!
How do you deal with people who come from another country for us to settle down and ... Fuck up.
I myself have several times made the experience what it feels attacked by people with no inhibitions be. It is not with them as with young Germans. In any case, I said it from my latitude. is also clear prefer German youths or people's mobile phones, beating people, stealing their parents, their girlfriend cheat, lie and cheat. In each of us there is an asshole who does this to hang out often too great walks in jail. A thrashing by a German can not be deported, while that be? Colonies are in the past and lonely islands we have, apart from the bird island Memmert not. So you need here are kept for the purpose of rehabilitation. This costs the state, so we order the 100, - per day. Depending on how you count it, in which province the prisoner incarcerated, etc. The 100 - is only one figure to have an idea of size. Since then people come from somewhere and cost from the beginning only the money, at first they need accommodation and food in the wild, they float on the margins of society feel oppressed and unheard complain of too little money, no job opportunities and poor prospects. They are criminal, perhaps steal my love insecure Grandma's purse or sell my children lead grass to make profit. Because it is so made them so difficult here. They come in the jail, where they are because she was old and cost money again, even more than in the wild and selbst wenn sie denn nach Monaten oder Jahren abgeschoben werden sollen, insofern in ihrer Heimat nicht gerade mal Bürgerkrieg herrscht, haben sie am Ende bloß Geld und Nerven und Arbeit gekostet, eine fehlgeschlagene Intergrationsgeschichte mehr. Würde wir gleich abschieben, wären die Straftatenanteile krimineller Ausländer verschwindend gering und der Steuerzahler spart ne Menge Geld.
Ich selbst habe mehrfach die Erfahrung gemacht, wie es sich anfühlt von Menschen mit einer großen Portion Freundschaft empfangen und bewirtet zu werden. Sie halten mir die Tür auf, wenn ich Einkäufe schleppe, sie lassen ihre Kinder an meinen Hund heran treten obwohl sie weder mich noch den Hund kennen oder wir einander sprachlich verstehen können. Ich kenne einen Kioskbesitzer der mir zwischendurch einen Kaffee spendiert, wenn ich wegen Lucky in der Kälte am Wall stehe während er im Schnee rumspringt und die Flocken fängt, der Kiosk Besitzer ist Araber, er macht das, obwohl ich beinahe nie etwas bei ihm kaufe. Ein paar türkisch-stämmige rauchen öfter mal einen selbstgebastelten Eimer aus nem Tetra-Pak bei mir oben im Treppenhaus, sie machen einen "Wir sind Gangster" blabla, als ich ihnen lange Blättchen anbot und mich zu ihnen setzte waren sie anfangs sehr überrascht und prollten rum, nach einer Weile jedoch wurden sie ruhiger und merkten, dass sie das nicht mussten, es sind halt auch nur Jungs hilfloser nicht integrierter Eltern die ihr Land verlassen haben oder mussten oder wollten wie auch immer und jetzt ihren Platz und nicht zu finden glauben.
Es ist schwierig zu entscheiden wer gehen muss und wer bleiben darf, das ist eine Entscheidungsgewalt mit der Menschen gleich ob Nazis oder was auch immer nicht umgehen können. Wer diese Gewalt hat, wird sie zu seinem eigenem Interesse instrumentalisieren und missbrauchen und immer auch subjektiv entscheiden, egal wieviel 1000 Paragraphen die Objektivität regeln sollen.
Der Grund dieses Kommentars ist die durchaus nicht niveaulose Diskussion unter einigen Beiträgen hier und um auch eine handfeste politisch unkorrekte Aussage zu treffen: "Ich bin für schärfere Asylgesetze"
Der Grund ist einfach: Wenn ich (der State), no coal for ne "all inclusive party" (immigration to all have), I can not hold.
"I am against the National (Social) ism in the ethnic sense" and therefore also against the NPD, etc., the weak Maten said yes, "Who is not a German nationalist in the racial sense, can never be a" so what the German citizenship for Turks would exclude, for example. I think that is outdated and inefficient.
So we hold, Nazis are shit! Let's further proof, criminal aliens cost a lot of money we do not have and nerves that we have not and are shit! Remains to hold that an aggressive national state run as fast in this globalized world, a lost cause. Therefore, one must arrange to hear all sides, separating sense from nonsense reality of utopia and particularly should the Germans fuck much more and the drug according to the Catholic principle without sheep intestine and therapy for otherwise remain at a national fertility rate of 1.3 fatal, every further discussion and utopian nonsense, then we will simply overrun by Asians and Arabs (both from 2.1 and thus increasing peoples) and it is not enough German officials give the expulsions and deportations can edit.
How do you deal with people who come from another country for us to settle down and ... Fuck up.
I myself have several times made the experience what it feels attacked by people with no inhibitions be. It is not with them as with young Germans. In any case, I said it from my latitude. is also clear prefer German youths or people's mobile phones, beating people, stealing their parents, their girlfriend cheat, lie and cheat. In each of us there is an asshole who does this to hang out often too great walks in jail. A thrashing by a German can not be deported, while that be? Colonies are in the past and lonely islands we have, apart from the bird island Memmert not. So you need here are kept for the purpose of rehabilitation. This costs the state, so we order the 100, - per day. Depending on how you count it, in which province the prisoner incarcerated, etc. The 100 - is only one figure to have an idea of size. Since then people come from somewhere and cost from the beginning only the money, at first they need accommodation and food in the wild, they float on the margins of society feel oppressed and unheard complain of too little money, no job opportunities and poor prospects. They are criminal, perhaps steal my love insecure Grandma's purse or sell my children lead grass to make profit. Because it is so made them so difficult here. They come in the jail, where they are because she was old and cost money again, even more than in the wild and selbst wenn sie denn nach Monaten oder Jahren abgeschoben werden sollen, insofern in ihrer Heimat nicht gerade mal Bürgerkrieg herrscht, haben sie am Ende bloß Geld und Nerven und Arbeit gekostet, eine fehlgeschlagene Intergrationsgeschichte mehr. Würde wir gleich abschieben, wären die Straftatenanteile krimineller Ausländer verschwindend gering und der Steuerzahler spart ne Menge Geld.
Ich selbst habe mehrfach die Erfahrung gemacht, wie es sich anfühlt von Menschen mit einer großen Portion Freundschaft empfangen und bewirtet zu werden. Sie halten mir die Tür auf, wenn ich Einkäufe schleppe, sie lassen ihre Kinder an meinen Hund heran treten obwohl sie weder mich noch den Hund kennen oder wir einander sprachlich verstehen können. Ich kenne einen Kioskbesitzer der mir zwischendurch einen Kaffee spendiert, wenn ich wegen Lucky in der Kälte am Wall stehe während er im Schnee rumspringt und die Flocken fängt, der Kiosk Besitzer ist Araber, er macht das, obwohl ich beinahe nie etwas bei ihm kaufe. Ein paar türkisch-stämmige rauchen öfter mal einen selbstgebastelten Eimer aus nem Tetra-Pak bei mir oben im Treppenhaus, sie machen einen "Wir sind Gangster" blabla, als ich ihnen lange Blättchen anbot und mich zu ihnen setzte waren sie anfangs sehr überrascht und prollten rum, nach einer Weile jedoch wurden sie ruhiger und merkten, dass sie das nicht mussten, es sind halt auch nur Jungs hilfloser nicht integrierter Eltern die ihr Land verlassen haben oder mussten oder wollten wie auch immer und jetzt ihren Platz und nicht zu finden glauben.
Es ist schwierig zu entscheiden wer gehen muss und wer bleiben darf, das ist eine Entscheidungsgewalt mit der Menschen gleich ob Nazis oder was auch immer nicht umgehen können. Wer diese Gewalt hat, wird sie zu seinem eigenem Interesse instrumentalisieren und missbrauchen und immer auch subjektiv entscheiden, egal wieviel 1000 Paragraphen die Objektivität regeln sollen.
Der Grund dieses Kommentars ist die durchaus nicht niveaulose Diskussion unter einigen Beiträgen hier und um auch eine handfeste politisch unkorrekte Aussage zu treffen: "Ich bin für schärfere Asylgesetze"
Der Grund ist einfach: Wenn ich (der State), no coal for ne "all inclusive party" (immigration to all have), I can not hold.
"I am against the National (Social) ism in the ethnic sense" and therefore also against the NPD, etc., the weak Maten said yes, "Who is not a German nationalist in the racial sense, can never be a" so what the German citizenship for Turks would exclude, for example. I think that is outdated and inefficient.
So we hold, Nazis are shit! Let's further proof, criminal aliens cost a lot of money we do not have and nerves that we have not and are shit! Remains to hold that an aggressive national state run as fast in this globalized world, a lost cause. Therefore, one must arrange to hear all sides, separating sense from nonsense reality of utopia and particularly should the Germans fuck much more and the drug according to the Catholic principle without sheep intestine and therapy for otherwise remain at a national fertility rate of 1.3 fatal, every further discussion and utopian nonsense, then we will simply overrun by Asians and Arabs (both from 2.1 and thus increasing peoples) and it is not enough German officials give the expulsions and deportations can edit.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Why Does Dark Hair Dye Fade So Fast?
thoughts sonntäglichem between late and early Monday's service
I 'm too far gone
my legs oh so hard but
drive me further and further
with whip and gun
you do not let me die
but I can not live
me the leash
be but never give my freedom !
I 'm too far gone
my legs oh so hard but
drive me further and further
with whip and gun
you do not let me die
but I can not live
me the leash
be but never give my freedom !
Pain Under Left Shoulderblade
Documentary "Red" 2008
goes into the movie is a sprightly old gentleman who lives alone with his 14 years of dog "Red" in rural idyll in the U.S.. One day, the old gentleman with "Red" fish, he gets company from 3 beatniks with a gun.
The old man is without his dog home.
A very sad story although the emotions of the history of the old gentlemen in the foreground with, but also has a political claim in the direction of laws dealing with Tierqäulerei.
escalated after countless attempts to find justice, the story of the mongrel "Red" eventually.
goes into the movie is a sprightly old gentleman who lives alone with his 14 years of dog "Red" in rural idyll in the U.S.. One day, the old gentleman with "Red" fish, he gets company from 3 beatniks with a gun.
The old man is without his dog home.
A very sad story although the emotions of the history of the old gentlemen in the foreground with, but also has a political claim in the direction of laws dealing with Tierqäulerei.
escalated after countless attempts to find justice, the story of the mongrel "Red" eventually.
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Kärbholz - Night without Stars
The new album will be available on the guys and say 01.April.2011 "100%", here schonmal a foretaste of the impending sound experience, it is extremely popular on YouTube and I hear the song you. The with advertising-packed video (there are 2 videos with one, one without advertising from eg Amazon) and the request is still completely stock up with Kärbholz with "logos" decorated objects annoying, but you know by now from other hyped bands like Frei.Wild , Betontod etc., in times of illegal downloads, it also needs a lot of merchandise from music to ultimately make it more coal, a shirt you can still not download. The album will determined horny and I'm looking forward!
The new album will be available on the guys and say 01.April.2011 "100%", here schonmal a foretaste of the impending sound experience, it is extremely popular on YouTube and I hear the song you. The with advertising-packed video (there are 2 videos with one, one without advertising from eg Amazon) and the request is still completely stock up with Kärbholz with "logos" decorated objects annoying, but you know by now from other hyped bands like Frei.Wild , Betontod etc., in times of illegal downloads, it also needs a lot of merchandise from music to ultimately make it more coal, a shirt you can still not download. The album will determined horny and I'm looking forward!
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OireSzene news of 06.März.2011 "Gray area equal Braun Zone
have Kackstelzen Because of OireSzene wiedermal well researched and the world about the dangers of the famous (irony to) neo-Nazi violence glorifying rune swinging right Rock Festival (irony) "Oi! The niche informed that took place yesterday evening. Ie no, OireSzene has (as so often) merely copies the article, published by the Antifa group Oranienburg on Indymedia . Copy and paste "generation indicated.
Well as it may, the festival takes anti-fascist structures allegedly living space, plus of course, play only the most evil gray area chapels on the right rock industry has to offer. "Dolly D" , "Tele coma" and the "start" that these bands Gray area bands are white, I finally, thanks to the sophisticated objectively researched article, and finally one or the other band has been standing with the reincarnation of evil on stage: "the Riot brothers" .
you Since you but burned enormous fingers, now you get the gray-brown stamp on (as the Jewish Star of David) and you can definitely expect the concentrated anti-fascist repression of thumb, no matter how often it roars in the future "Nazis Out" because the stamp is water resistant headlamp and reflective. This is probably still that a tattoo artist was invited to the festival has just punched the Festival logo. This is his own words nationalist, logical and almost mandatory because, conclusion of the Festival is right and undermines and blow in the basement imperial war flags.
Rather, the article as an irrelevant defamation of different people that want to celebrate a festival, a pubescent rotfront black cap carrier distributed to research to see fit his swastikas on all parties without the band or to ask the organizers finally melodramatic about this article is the political Youth probably only correct to say:
"It is very sad that one of the few places in Orange, where the subculture can live out a place that is may occur in the likes of the above and are thus blocked sites for antifascists. The only logical requirement can therefore only be an emancipating youth center, where homophobia, racism, sexism, and neo-Nazis are not allowed and yet dlle people can develop freely. " (plagiarism end)
Well then. More rushing guys!
have Kackstelzen Because of OireSzene wiedermal well researched and the world about the dangers of the famous (irony to) neo-Nazi violence glorifying rune swinging right Rock Festival (irony) "Oi! The niche informed that took place yesterday evening. Ie no, OireSzene has (as so often) merely copies the article, published by the Antifa group Oranienburg on Indymedia . Copy and paste "generation indicated.
Well as it may, the festival takes anti-fascist structures allegedly living space, plus of course, play only the most evil gray area chapels on the right rock industry has to offer. "Dolly D" , "Tele coma" and the "start" that these bands Gray area bands are white, I finally, thanks to the sophisticated objectively researched article, and finally one or the other band has been standing with the reincarnation of evil on stage: "the Riot brothers" .
you Since you but burned enormous fingers, now you get the gray-brown stamp on (as the Jewish Star of David) and you can definitely expect the concentrated anti-fascist repression of thumb, no matter how often it roars in the future "Nazis Out" because the stamp is water resistant headlamp and reflective. This is probably still that a tattoo artist was invited to the festival has just punched the Festival logo. This is his own words nationalist, logical and almost mandatory because, conclusion of the Festival is right and undermines and blow in the basement imperial war flags.
Rather, the article as an irrelevant defamation of different people that want to celebrate a festival, a pubescent rotfront black cap carrier distributed to research to see fit his swastikas on all parties without the band or to ask the organizers finally melodramatic about this article is the political Youth probably only correct to say:
"It is very sad that one of the few places in Orange, where the subculture can live out a place that is may occur in the likes of the above and are thus blocked sites for antifascists. The only logical requirement can therefore only be an emancipating youth center, where homophobia, racism, sexism, and neo-Nazis are not allowed and yet dlle people can develop freely. " (plagiarism end)
Well then. More rushing guys!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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The funny NPD game
The the NPD a somewhat questionable humor takes a long time is all clear, but this small little game here shoots the bird. Matthias Heyder, "top" candidates of NPD Saxony-Anhalt enters into this as a clean man and as a cleaning man, he swept in the first round of this simple browser games all political opponents out from black to purple in the Diet. An ethnic cleansing as it were, swept away every opponent there are points in the second round Heyder shoots with a gun on GM maize and € scrap pieces to the political position of the NPD on these two issues to clarify. Then the game ends and the player is praised for Saxony-Anhalt forward to have at least virtually.
Whether the NPD remains on 20.März.2011 hoped to electoral success helps to be seen, however, is only safe, they will do better than that of the Hamburg-election to create, but they actually the 5% hurdle? It would be the third parliament in the NPD collects. I hope we are spared this dilemma and to all those who do, despite the publication unprofessionieller mails and despite mental error casts like this game, select the NPD'm sorry.
The the NPD a somewhat questionable humor takes a long time is all clear, but this small little game here shoots the bird. Matthias Heyder, "top" candidates of NPD Saxony-Anhalt enters into this as a clean man and as a cleaning man, he swept in the first round of this simple browser games all political opponents out from black to purple in the Diet. An ethnic cleansing as it were, swept away every opponent there are points in the second round Heyder shoots with a gun on GM maize and € scrap pieces to the political position of the NPD on these two issues to clarify. Then the game ends and the player is praised for Saxony-Anhalt forward to have at least virtually.
Whether the NPD remains on 20.März.2011 hoped to electoral success helps to be seen, however, is only safe, they will do better than that of the Hamburg-election to create, but they actually the 5% hurdle? It would be the third parliament in the NPD collects. I hope we are spared this dilemma and to all those who do, despite the publication unprofessionieller mails and despite mental error casts like this game, select the NPD'm sorry.
![]() |
NPD, the Volksspacken |
Friday, March 4, 2011
Fake Weed Smells Like Oregano
are not as bad as its reputation. With a little practice you have it under control quickly and there are many beautiful blocks they need: Eight Point Star, Tumbling Blocks and spools, as here, nice on the postcard.
How she can pull just shows the new tutorial at Quilter's Garden.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
White Spots Throatdominican Republic
Preview March 2011
Monday, 28.2.2011 14:05-15:00

Tuesday, 03/01/2011
14:05-15:00: 35. Shared responsibility (Das Kuckucksei)
Wednesday, 03/02/2011
14:05-15:00: 88. The Dead Lake (Tod im See)
Thursday, 03.03.2011 14:05-15:00
Friday, 04.03.2011 14:05-15:00
Tuesday, 03/08/2011
14:05-15:00: 21. Calcutta (Kalkutta)
Wednesday, 03/09/2011
14:05-15:00: 28. Pecko
Thursday, 10.3.2011 14:05-15:00
Monday, 14.3.2011 14:05-15:00
Tuesday, 15.3.2011 14:05-15:00
Mercredi, 16.03.2011
14:05 to 15:00: 142nd La nuit de la mort (The Night They died in the Ronda)
Jeudi, 17.03.2011
14:05 to 15:00: 8th La Cavale (sign of violence)
Vendredi, 18.03.2011
14:05 to 15:00: 70th Le prix de la mort (A deadly price)
Lundi, 21.03.2011
Tuesday, 22.3.2011 14:05-15:00
Wednesday, 23/03/2011
14:05-15:00: 89. The time of the crime (Die Stunde der Mörder)
Thursday, 03.24.2011 14:05-15:00
Friday, 03.25.2011 14:05-15:00
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Put Rockstars On Silverado
full shit
If the Internet connection is cut, you feel a bit lost before. The world keeps turning. Stones are thrown and hands will be served and I can not bring me. Well next week we continue, I think Wednesday. Until then I'll go do a little work and spend many hours with my dog \u200b\u200bon the city wall and smoke Beep .... er denne cigarettes to
If the Internet connection is cut, you feel a bit lost before. The world keeps turning. Stones are thrown and hands will be served and I can not bring me. Well next week we continue, I think Wednesday. Until then I'll go do a little work and spend many hours with my dog \u200b\u200bon the city wall and smoke Beep .... er denne cigarettes to
Friday, February 25, 2011
The Best Bike Around 100pounds
This versatile bag makes itself useful everywhere, not just for shoes to travel, or knitting - even children turn objects or blocks it holds together nice and neat.
Not more than 30 cm material and an hour for it are necessary and useful enough of these bags can not have anyway. The instructions are is available at the Quilter's Garden
Not more than 30 cm material and an hour for it are necessary and useful enough of these bags can not have anyway. The instructions are is available at the Quilter's Garden
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sofa Color For Dark Wood Floor
Internet away
've probably missed out to pay the bills, the one time or another;) why has the good old Telekom me cut the line. New posts until next week, so again, right nice time until then.
scene cleaner
've probably missed out to pay the bills, the one time or another;) why has the good old Telekom me cut the line. New posts until next week, so again, right nice time until then.
scene cleaner
Breastfeeding To A Man-images
memory of Helmut Ringelmann
Helmut Ringelmann

* 1926 München
† 2011 (ebenda)
Kondolenzbuch (eingerichtet von: Freundeskreis der Kommissar u. a.)
Sa., 26.2.2011 (Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag !!!)
2h05-3h05: DERRICK Tote Vögel singen nicht (19)
3h05-4h05: DERRICK Auf eigene Faust (23)
4h05-5h05: DERRICK Das sechste Steichholz (85)
5h05-6h05: DERRICK Lange Nacht für Derrick (131)
So., 27.2.2011 (Nacht von Samstag auf Sonntag !!!)
1h10-2h10: DER ALTE Der Pelikan (16)
2h10-3h10: DER ALTE Teufelsbrut (30)
3h10-4h10: DER ALTE Der Neue (36)
4h10-5h10: DER ALTE Kahlschlag (72)
Mi., 23.2.2011
1:20 2:20: 28: Sister Hilde (130) '1985
Monday, February 21, 2011
How Long To Get A Wedding Album
Happy Berber or Bebal or Basti
Punkerbasti is today 22 years
, the celebrated rigorously
politically incorrect na clear
is today not gonna be just rumgeeiert
no today is in flower gereiert
He came from the East
where the satellites
rust with a big smile, he came here he has
always drunk
with many women taken
We like it all very
He sweeps in the night, the street
and pees out the window
and he may sometimes exaggerate
anyone can Berber suffer
many scars you have remained
of parties and concerts
and you will have some to
get because you you've still never behaved
This is us now no matter, yes that is now a shit
main thing is we have fun
a box Sternburg
and NEN Zwani * beep *
So let us raise our beer
Basti now 3x the life
should raise our glasses high the beer
Berber we congratulate you!!
Punkerbasti is today 22 years
, the celebrated rigorously
politically incorrect na clear
is today not gonna be just rumgeeiert
no today is in flower gereiert
He came from the East
where the satellites
rust with a big smile, he came here he has
always drunk
with many women taken
We like it all very
He sweeps in the night, the street
and pees out the window
and he may sometimes exaggerate
anyone can Berber suffer
many scars you have remained
of parties and concerts
and you will have some to
get because you you've still never behaved
This is us now no matter, yes that is now a shit
main thing is we have fun
a box Sternburg
and NEN Zwani * beep *
So let us raise our beer
Basti now 3x the life
should raise our glasses high the beer
Berber we congratulate you!!
All the best! |
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somehow frightening or comrades of this buck fight
I'm up there in the navigation bar, but this right rock band index, then all I know right rocker, who all want what anner pan. For additions and notes I am grateful. What I wanted is hniaus. If someone, let's call him Joseph times when Josef is now looking to download that is said right rock bands in google, he is there, the following: "blogger germania index shed" or "blog Amplifier" knows or what I do. Since I am a blogger and these bands for documentation and identification purposes are mentioned on my side, the guys seem irrtürmerlicherweise desöfteren to talk to land. The scary thing is how often such searches appear in my stats. I doubt that Joseph and Hans and Manfred taking the time to research specific to their world view, they want to download and foreigners bring loppen stage, do not train their social-cognitive level.
the way, you already know "Bock Kampf ( and here) the Nazi pseudo gangster rapper Turks blend or whatever he believes to be. He raps for his fallen comrades at the front, well, if the had known the leader, in what his ideology, anything can be pressed in, the rapper also drive up to mischief Since 2006, four publications including Demo, a publication from the year 2007 seems to be fully indexed. 2011 appears now his new single word of honor, he prollt so that his songs on Itunes, etc are available reports it in the portals and ensures dwindling sales figures, he calls in his texts on violence against minorities.
I'm up there in the navigation bar, but this right rock band index, then all I know right rocker, who all want what anner pan. For additions and notes I am grateful. What I wanted is hniaus. If someone, let's call him Joseph times when Josef is now looking to download that is said right rock bands in google, he is there, the following: "blogger germania index shed" or "blog Amplifier" knows or what I do. Since I am a blogger and these bands for documentation and identification purposes are mentioned on my side, the guys seem irrtürmerlicherweise desöfteren to talk to land. The scary thing is how often such searches appear in my stats. I doubt that Joseph and Hans and Manfred taking the time to research specific to their world view, they want to download and foreigners bring loppen stage, do not train their social-cognitive level.
![]() |
No Nazi rock her Spacken |
the way, you already know "Bock Kampf ( and here) the Nazi pseudo gangster rapper Turks blend or whatever he believes to be. He raps for his fallen comrades at the front, well, if the had known the leader, in what his ideology, anything can be pressed in, the rapper also drive up to mischief Since 2006, four publications including Demo, a publication from the year 2007 seems to be fully indexed. 2011 appears now his new single word of honor, he prollt so that his songs on Itunes, etc are available reports it in the portals and ensures dwindling sales figures, he calls in his texts on violence against minorities.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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election results Hamburg NPD 0.9%
According to initial projections NPD is the to 0.9% in the state election in Hamburg, which are 30 106 votes. Provided that in the districts of Hamburg / Harburg and Hamburg / center, each 1.6% the best values \u200b\u200bobtained in another constituency, the NPD erhiel only 0.2% of the vote. The NPD is so 7th largest party, they are "outside" the Pirate Party that 2.6% of the vote (70 930) is much better than the apple section Heyder-Pastörs Group. Winner of the election is clearly the SPD with frontman Olaf Scholz, reaching almost 50% of the total votes and is thus either alone or together with the GAL , the 11% was recorded votes govern in the Hanseatic city. The CDU suffered with about 20% a resounding slap. So much for Stuttgart 21 or NPP lifetime extension. Since se have again the NPDler specialists screwed it with their noise and posturing, but scary that they have ever done nationwide to compete in almost all the constituencies. Each 100 voters made up his cross at the NPD. As long as it remains in these proportions are all pleased that Antifa has its enemies and win constantly and neo-Nazis in this small number no one can be dangerous. Not the nice Greek restaurant owner, nor the Mobile retreating Arabs from the lower-or upper town. You will all remain.
results after the determination of the provisional group strength, the following distribution of seats:
SPD: 62 (48.3%),
CDU: 28 (21.9%),
GREEN / GAL: 14 (11.2 %), FDP
: 9 (6.6%),
THE LEFT: 8 (6.4%).
Thus, the SPD has an absolute majority, despite the fact that five parties, the 5% hurdle managed ago
According to initial projections NPD is the to 0.9% in the state election in Hamburg, which are 30 106 votes. Provided that in the districts of Hamburg / Harburg and Hamburg / center, each 1.6% the best values \u200b\u200bobtained in another constituency, the NPD erhiel only 0.2% of the vote. The NPD is so 7th largest party, they are "outside" the Pirate Party that 2.6% of the vote (70 930) is much better than the apple section Heyder-Pastörs Group. Winner of the election is clearly the SPD with frontman Olaf Scholz, reaching almost 50% of the total votes and is thus either alone or together with the GAL , the 11% was recorded votes govern in the Hanseatic city. The CDU suffered with about 20% a resounding slap. So much for Stuttgart 21 or NPP lifetime extension. Since se have again the NPDler specialists screwed it with their noise and posturing, but scary that they have ever done nationwide to compete in almost all the constituencies. Each 100 voters made up his cross at the NPD. As long as it remains in these proportions are all pleased that Antifa has its enemies and win constantly and neo-Nazis in this small number no one can be dangerous. Not the nice Greek restaurant owner, nor the Mobile retreating Arabs from the lower-or upper town. You will all remain.
results after the determination of the provisional group strength, the following distribution of seats:
SPD: 62 (48.3%),
CDU: 28 (21.9%),
GREEN / GAL: 14 (11.2 %), FDP
: 9 (6.6%),
THE LEFT: 8 (6.4%).
Thus, the SPD has an absolute majority, despite the fact that five parties, the 5% hurdle managed ago
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Documentary" class "2007
2007 is already clear for a while, maybe the film already knows everybody, I'm only just now discovered him by chance. He has really captivated me and moved me to write briefly about it. It is an Estonian film that shows the development of two madmen. A boy named "Joosep" is being bullied, a sadistic torturing ways. The teachers noticed it too late and his father comes to him with "You have to defend yourself, you are a man, a man must fight back," etc. etc.. Only "Kasper", a classmate reflected on his side and defended Joosep. The two are now tortured and all escalated in a key scene at the beach towards the end. The next day make the 2 to the school. For the last time
really a thrilling authentic Film, der aus der Perspektive des späteren Täters darstellt, wie es dazu kommen kann , ganz ohne Counterstrike.
2007 is already clear for a while, maybe the film already knows everybody, I'm only just now discovered him by chance. He has really captivated me and moved me to write briefly about it. It is an Estonian film that shows the development of two madmen. A boy named "Joosep" is being bullied, a sadistic torturing ways. The teachers noticed it too late and his father comes to him with "You have to defend yourself, you are a man, a man must fight back," etc. etc.. Only "Kasper", a classmate reflected on his side and defended Joosep. The two are now tortured and all escalated in a key scene at the beach towards the end. The next day make the 2 to the school. For the last time
really a thrilling authentic Film, der aus der Perspektive des späteren Täters darstellt, wie es dazu kommen kann , ganz ohne Counterstrike.
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Nazi Dresden Free! This time already ....
In Dresden war Gestern wesentlich mehr los, als am 13.2.2011, wo der von der JLO organisierte Trauermarsch beinahe ungestört stattfinden konnte (s. hier ). Diesmal waren ca. 20.000 Gegendemonstranten in Dresden. Vom Politiker zum Linksautonomen über DGB zum Mittelstand war alles vertreten. Auch unser Grünen Opa aus Berlin, Christian Ströbele war mit seinem Fahrrad in Dresden unterwegs. 4.500 Beamte im Einsatz, Wasserwerfer, Barrikaden, one, as the taz cinematic arrest reported by a task force of police. Interestingly, however, the use of so-called Pepper Balls which are thin-skinned plastic balls that burst on the body of the potential interferer and pepper dust release, the person is thus made of action. The following are
video on hearing shots from 3.30 min, at 3:39 min you can see the gun briefly.
The weapons of the state institutions are increasingly sophisticated and technologically adept. Actions such as the time of the RAF are no longer possible today. Because of their activities, the so-called Rasterfahndung auf den Weg gebracht, der Anfang vom Ende. Heute ist kameraüberwachung Alltag und wir nehmen sie meistens schon gar nicht mehr wahr, erst recht nicht als Bedrohung, dies ist eine gefährliche Entwicklung in Richtung Sicherheits- und Kontrollwahn. In Dresden ist ein wichtiges Zeichen gesetzt, die JLO schreibt auf ihrer Weltnetzseite von "ägyptischen Zuständen in Dresden", angeblich seien 6.000 Kameraden an der "Einreise" zu ihrem Versammlungsort gehindert worden, die Polizei habe allerdings linke Gruppen in die Südstadt "eskortiert", gleichzeitig haben diese linken Gruppen aber Barrikaden aufgetürm und Bullen Pflastersteine anne Birne gechmißen, dabei sind sie ja eskortiert worden. Natürlich sei it occurred even very disciplined ...
really should have found 6,000 (or even 5,000) mates the way to Dresden, the Dresden police blockade behavior to perform to. With 4,500 state henchmen could have stand to lose, so it seemed wiser not to the rights can only fully move in together. The violent nature of the blocks with fire in 2010 had the trash cans and throw stones anyway done. The Nazis managed to demonstrate it then Jagged however, in Dresden, Plauen, for example, then later tried to right their march to Leipzig to install. 500 of them arrived there also, the police, however, ließ'sie not in the city. Towards evening, then, there have been be as 19:00, then made the one-off, frustrated the others on the way home. No, a special task force in Hollywood manner stormed an office of the Alliance "Dresden Nazi Free" (site is offline) and seized media. The Bündiss the accused of a crime to call because the block of VAT. notified and approved demonstrations a criminal offense met. It is good that prevented the deployment, although this time not all parties have acted reasonably, be a matter of purpose sometimes justifies the means.
In Dresden war Gestern wesentlich mehr los, als am 13.2.2011, wo der von der JLO organisierte Trauermarsch beinahe ungestört stattfinden konnte (s. hier ). Diesmal waren ca. 20.000 Gegendemonstranten in Dresden. Vom Politiker zum Linksautonomen über DGB zum Mittelstand war alles vertreten. Auch unser Grünen Opa aus Berlin, Christian Ströbele war mit seinem Fahrrad in Dresden unterwegs. 4.500 Beamte im Einsatz, Wasserwerfer, Barrikaden, one, as the taz cinematic arrest reported by a task force of police. Interestingly, however, the use of so-called Pepper Balls which are thin-skinned plastic balls that burst on the body of the potential interferer and pepper dust release, the person is thus made of action. The following are
video on hearing shots from 3.30 min, at 3:39 min you can see the gun briefly.
The weapons of the state institutions are increasingly sophisticated and technologically adept. Actions such as the time of the RAF are no longer possible today. Because of their activities, the so-called Rasterfahndung auf den Weg gebracht, der Anfang vom Ende. Heute ist kameraüberwachung Alltag und wir nehmen sie meistens schon gar nicht mehr wahr, erst recht nicht als Bedrohung, dies ist eine gefährliche Entwicklung in Richtung Sicherheits- und Kontrollwahn. In Dresden ist ein wichtiges Zeichen gesetzt, die JLO schreibt auf ihrer Weltnetzseite von "ägyptischen Zuständen in Dresden", angeblich seien 6.000 Kameraden an der "Einreise" zu ihrem Versammlungsort gehindert worden, die Polizei habe allerdings linke Gruppen in die Südstadt "eskortiert", gleichzeitig haben diese linken Gruppen aber Barrikaden aufgetürm und Bullen Pflastersteine anne Birne gechmißen, dabei sind sie ja eskortiert worden. Natürlich sei it occurred even very disciplined ...
really should have found 6,000 (or even 5,000) mates the way to Dresden, the Dresden police blockade behavior to perform to. With 4,500 state henchmen could have stand to lose, so it seemed wiser not to the rights can only fully move in together. The violent nature of the blocks with fire in 2010 had the trash cans and throw stones anyway done. The Nazis managed to demonstrate it then Jagged however, in Dresden, Plauen, for example, then later tried to right their march to Leipzig to install. 500 of them arrived there also, the police, however, ließ'sie not in the city. Towards evening, then, there have been be as 19:00, then made the one-off, frustrated the others on the way home. No, a special task force in Hollywood manner stormed an office of the Alliance "Dresden Nazi Free" (site is offline) and seized media. The Bündiss the accused of a crime to call because the block of VAT. notified and approved demonstrations a criminal offense met. It is good that prevented the deployment, although this time not all parties have acted reasonably, be a matter of purpose sometimes justifies the means.
to pay
I Am Constanly Getting Cold Symptoms
Pure hate blog on Wordpress
Instead his hosting fees, Nazikackblog PurerHass has switched to WordPress, damn Kackbratzen wind from provider to provider, they will be deleted here, log in again, an eternal cycle that is difficult to is breaking through. Excites me most on the whole, that are also represented me as a non-political and quite audible bands there like "The Enkelz" or "Kärbholz" . Such blogs and stupid Nazi Bratz, listening to this band, provide the discredit of the groups and give the PC activists new cannon fodder for their conspiracy theories. Well as it may, Word Press reports the site as often as possible. Tips to log out of Nazi music is available here:
Instead his hosting fees, Nazikackblog PurerHass has switched to WordPress, damn Kackbratzen wind from provider to provider, they will be deleted here, log in again, an eternal cycle that is difficult to is breaking through. Excites me most on the whole, that are also represented me as a non-political and quite audible bands there like "The Enkelz" or "Kärbholz" . Such blogs and stupid Nazi Bratz, listening to this band, provide the discredit of the groups and give the PC activists new cannon fodder for their conspiracy theories. Well as it may, Word Press reports the site as often as possible. Tips to log out of Nazi music is available here:
Friday, February 11, 2011
Sayings About Appreciating Your Home
BOM Round 2 is ready for download

The blue wavy shades of Fassett's "Woodear" from the middle section have been joined in emerald green neighbors. As
see your colors? Since I'm really curious ...
The current Contribution to the BOM is to have very fresh at Quilter's Garden. And pictures are very happy seen in the right photo pool on flickr .
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