Saturday, March 27, 2010

Port Royale Exception

Carrara 6 Pro Hexagon 2.5 and (almost) for free ..

I am aware some time ago by a forum on a good book become. The book "Figures, Characters and Avatars" by Les Pardew was born, in cooperation with the U.S. based company DAZ3D and describes in detail all the steps you must perform using DAZ Studio to create really good 3D images to. DAZ Studio is aimed primarily at beginners, the first time want to get a foot in the door and know little else with 3D modeling. The software is more something like an arranger - is hot, killed in a nutshell: It moves ready character models, props (plants, cars, etc..), this is in Scene, fits here and there to a few morphs and renders the final image. Thus, even by beginners quite simple and quick professional ausschau border create 3D scenes.

eigendlich The great thing about the book is not primarily it describes all the steps necessary for good and includes many sample pictures in color. Instead, the CD is very interesting. The CD is not only the already free DAZ Studio, version but additionally otherwise rather expensive original software from DAZ 3D, and although "Carrara 2.6 Pro (a professional animation studio) and "Hexagon 2.5" (A 3D Modeler, which allows you to create your own 3D models) - (both in English and French languages, both for Mac and PC). Note: The book is in English - but what should constitute a major problem for most people - with normal school English's can already understand that. In addition, located on the CD a few original models of DAZ3D including M4 Complete, and V4.2 Complete ("Complete" means that some of the morphs, and some maps are in the process which one would otherwise buy einzelnd). Props are just as good here as many textures, and of course the documentation for each program. In addition, the models are also in the Poser Format vor. Das Buch kann man unter folgendem Link direkt bei erwerben, was den (recht teuren) Versand aus den USA erspart. Figures, Characters and Avatars (hier klicken)

Anzumerken wäre allerdings noch, das der Publisher - in diesem Fall ist das "Course Technology" offenbar vergessen hat die Seriennummern also die Registrierungskeys (um die Software freizuschalten) mit in das Buch zu drucken. Diese kann man jedoch bei "Course Technology" herunterladen - wenn man auf der Publisher Seite ist, kann man oben nach dem Buchtitel suchen, dort unter "Additional Information" bzw. "Book Updates" schauen, man findet dann eine "", This includes a readme file that contains the missing serial numbers. Alternatively, you can also use a new / existing account of DAZ3D and register there, then click on "Support" and send a support request to DAZ3D Sales Support, where you explained that one of the serial numbers from the book missing (important is there to enclose a photograph in which both the book and the Amazon is to see statements in order to prove that one has also bought it actually). After 1-2 days you get an answer, and serial numbers are then displayed in the account, which is very handy.

Bottom Line: If you were to buy the products supplied einzelnd all would be well and happy with a few hundred euros there. Alone Hexagon 2.5 is significantly more expensive than the nearly 20 € for the book. Strong buy recommendation!


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