MSPaint (classical) in Windows 7
I had in Windows 7 (64-bit) always nerfed, that the MSPaint program now includes the ribbon design (as in the new office) uses, so I just tried if the old 7 and runs on Windows .. In fact - works perfectly. How it works:
Requirements: Windows 7 must be installed the XP mode.
first XP Mode start.
second There, the Explorer and open to C: Navigating \\ Windows \\ System32.
third Copy mspaint.exe in Clippoard's (copy so just choose the menu).
4th Change to the Windows 7 Desktop, click the right mouse button and select Paste.
5th "Mspaint.exe" then rename it to "paint.exe" and to c: move \\ Windows \\ System32 (Windows 7).
6th Pay attention to rename the file on it, otherwise you could overwrite the new version of Paint (it could be the new still important for other system functions).
5th That's it. Now you may start menu "Run" either mspaint for the new paint or enter for the old and they both run:) (Also works with some other older programs) ..
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